Monday, January 24, 2011

Prove It

"We judge others by their behavior. We judge ourselves by our intentions." -Ian Percy

So recently I've found myself being judgmental, for lack of a better word. I am quick to judge other people's walk with God. I feel like I have a really good sense of discernment when it comes to reading people in general, and this often spews over into trying to discern other peoples intentions when it comes to their spiritual life. I know that it is wrong to judge others; however, if you are true in your intentions, there should be no doubt in others minds that you are the real deal.

So sometimes I find myself thinking that another person is just "playing church" and wearing a mask of a Christian. Now I know I should not judge others intentions; however, you may wonder why I find myself able to pick out certain people that are faking it. This is because I too "played church" for a good six years or so. I am a pro at it. If you have ever been in this situation where you claimed to be a Christian and were actually not, I'm sure you can back me up on this one. I'm almost positive that there was someone out there who was critical of my claim to be a Christian before I actually became one.

So you may find yourself thinking, I have good intentions and I am genuine, so why could anyone be critical of my relationship with Christ? While this may be true, here's the one knows your intentions or sincerity except you. All that anyone else has to go on is your actions. The quote at the beginning of this blog helped me to understand why I find myself judgmental of others. I'm one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" people. Kinda like the apostle Thomas in John 20:25. He said about Jesus, "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it." So unless I can see your actions, I have nothing to go on but your words. And in this day and age, words mean little.

So if you are a Christian, how do you stop people like myself from wrongly looking at you in a sly manner and questioning your walk with God? Its rather simple it out. If you are a Christian, there should be no doubt in other peoples' minds that such a claim is true. So here's the challenge, if you say you love God...prove it.

In addition...I will be working a lot harder from now on to be less judgmental of others because from writing this blog I have realized that I am at great fault. :)

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