Thursday, October 20, 2011


♪Where is God in the city life? Where is God in the city light? Where is God in the earthquake? Where is God in the genocide? Where are You in my broken heart? Everything seems to fall apart. Everything feels rusted over, tell me that You're there.♫ -Switchfoot "Vice Verses"

Common questions that Christians get from non-believers (and Christians sometimes have themselves) often challenge the sovereignty and grace of God. We question God in our arrogance asking things like "Why would God let people in the world starve?" "Why does God allow thousands of people to be killed in genocides?" "How can God put people through situations like ______?" All good questions right? Wrong. Many people have trouble putting their faith in a God that seems to not care about His people. But do you ever stop and think that maybe God has more of a right to ask us why they're starving, why there are genocides, why there is crime? We are sitting around just wondering all these things, and we expect God to take care of them as if He is a genie in a bottle. Now although He is fully capable of doing such things, I feel that if He were to just answer every single prayer right off the bat, there would be no doubt of His existence, but that we would selfishly focus on what He can do for me, what He can give me. But here's the other thing, we were made in God's image (Gen 1:27), so why can't we, as ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20), take on the role that Christ would on Earth. Now yes, this may sound like a cliche "What Would Jesus Do?" statement, but it is so much more than that. It is taking on the persona, the thoughts, and the actions of God himself and pursuing a lost world with the faith and love that only comes from having a personal relationship with the one true God. ...Just to recap...Yes, God could end world hunger, genocides, and crime, but He has told us numerous times to love one another (1 Jn 4:7, Rom 12:10, Heb 13:1, Jn 13:34, etc). It is our job to end these things. He has provided the means to do such things, all we have to do is take the step of faith and get it done. 

Challenge...take on the persona of Jesus Christ. Speak, act, and think as He would and love people because He first loved you. 

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