Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Than Just Words

"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men." Matthew 15:8-9


"So many prayers spoken out loud.
So many words and promises vowed.
I told You I loved You so many times,
but I want to show You that love with my life.

With more than just words that I speak from my mouth,
I want to give You my thoughts before they're even out.
Every ambition, every dream I dream.
More than just talk from dry lips, You're all that there is.
with all of my heart Father I want to give
more than the things I know You've already heard.
More than just words."

Above are the lyrics to a song by Carl Cartee. Who is Carl Cartee? Just a regular old singer/songwriter who no one has seem to ever heard of and who loves the Lord and uses his talents to prove just that. I heard him a few years ago at a summer camp where he led worship. Some of his songs changed my life. They gave me a new outlook on things in my life. One of those things being they way I interact with God, and one of those songs being the one posted above.

This song is about getting past the routine prayers and acts we do towards God, and to speak and live every part of our lives for His glory. It is an invitation to make every move and take every moment with Him in mind.  If we could get this down, how different would our lives be! The downside for me personally is that I struggle with this everyday. I am selfish. I go to church, read my Bible every night, pray pretty often, and, although that is more than a lot of people do, it is no where near enough. The straight facts are that my life thrives because God is a part of it, and all too often I forget that He is the sole reason for my existence. I want my lips, my thoughts, my heart and everything in between to honor God. So the challenge for you (but mainly for myself) is to thank God for everything, everyday. I aspire to get past the useless traditions that much of Christianity still has today, to find God in the midst of it all, and to remember that every moment is another moment given to me to love and serve God. "All of my life in every season, You are still God! I have a reason to sing; I have a reason to worship!"

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