Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 Things You Shouldn't Post on Facebook Because No One Else Cares About Seeing/Reading It

It's been a while since I've done a top ten list, so I figured it was time for one...the title says it all.

1. How much you hate something/someone
2. A picture of you taking a picture of yourself in a mirror
3. 10 relationship changes withing a 24 hour time span
4. A status update saying "I'm bored"...everyone else was also bored while they wasted a second of their lives reading your status
5. A status update every 30 min...I am not above hiding anyone...just saying
6. Every picture you post shouldn't be a picture of you and a significant other making out. Stop for a second, take a breather, and smile for a picture for a change
7. 400 updates while you watch a football/baseball/lacrosse/etc game...everyone else is probably watching it too
8. Stuff about politics...even in cyberspace, it starts arguments and they never end pretty
9. Sentences such as "wth idk wat 2 even say bout dis" sound like a fool
10. Don't complain about facebook changing on facebook. Everyone knows it changed. It changed 2 weeks ago and it will change again. If you don't like the changes, no one's forcing you to use the network.

Sorry if I stepped on any toes. Also, this list could have probably gone to like 50.

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