Wednesday, June 6, 2012


John 3:16-"For God so loved the world that He gave his only son that whoever believe in Him will not perish but will have eternal life."

Bet you didn't read the whole verse above...or if you did, you just skimmed over it. You saw "John 3:16" and read the rest in your mind because this is a verse beaten into even the most unchristian-like people from the day they are born (at least in the south pretty much).  I would be willing to bet that 90% of the people I know have heard this verse from somewhere at some point in their lives. I would also be willing to bet that all my friends who are Christians probably say this verse as quick as possible, I know when I read it, it is at lightning speed because it is a verse that is second nature.

Although there is nothing I can do about it and I am very glad that this verse (and others like it) are so well known, I have to wonder how much of scripture we take for granted. How much of God's holy word are just cliches in our book? How many verses that were once life changing are now just mainstream?

I get so excited when I come across a Bible verse that strikes a chord with me that I am not familiar with. And yet I read over some of the verses that once were such a huge part of my daily walk with God and they seem to mean nothing. I have overused them (if that is possible). Their meaning has been lost in a repetitive reading of them and every time I read it again, I get further and further away from where it hit home for me.

This was a tough challenge to come up with. I challenge you to really read your Bible and dig deep for the wisdom that it provides. Even the most cliche verses can teach you something new. Do not fail to cherish God's word.

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