Sunday, November 20, 2011

Reality Check

"The empty-headed treat life foolishly, the perceptive and sensible grasp its meaning and stay on a straight path." -Proverbs 15:21

Reality-"Something that exists independently of ideas concerning it"
Reality check-"Something that clarifies or serves as a reminder of reality often by correcting a misconception"-Merriam Webster Dictionary

Okay, so this blog is a bit of a ranting blog, but promise me that you will read it nonetheless.

Not much makes me roll my eyes and face-palm myself more than those people who are not in touch with reality. I'm not talking about people who have legit mental problems or children who do not understand the concept of reality versus imagination; I am talking about people who are purposefully living beyond the realms of reality and, despite what people tell them or try to hint at, they live in their own little world. Reality is a necessity to be a productive person. To be in touch with the world, to be a sociable person, to have people take you seriously, you must live in reality.  "Reality" meaning that you take things how they are despite your feelings or ideas about it. 

So what may make you lose touch with reality? Well let me make a (short and noninclusive) list for you...
1. Unrealistic relationships or expectations for relationships
2. Thinking that you are God's gift to the world
3. Insulting yourself for attention
4. Obsessive fantasizing about how things could be but never taking action
5. Dwelling on almost anything for too long
6. Acting childish despite that fact that you are no longer a child.
7. Comparing yourself to other people
8. Convincing yourself that you could never be wrong
9. Excessive self-centeredness
10. You think you are entitled to things just because you are you

Here's the tough part, most people will not tell people to their face. People will try to hint at it in the hopes that they may pick up it on their own. They will try to spare feelings and friendships by letting them come to the conclusion by themselves, but they live in their own little world and are too oblivious to reality and the people that seriously want them to get a grasp on it. Some people will tell you straight up, and promise me that if someone ever tells you that you just don't grasp reality that you will do a reality check on yourself because there is a good chance that they are right. 

I cannot even completely put into words my frustration, feelings, and thoughts about people who live in their own worlds, and as you read this, I would be willing to bet that at least one person was on your mind. I challenge you to give yourself a reality check and make sure you are not this person. You are probably not, but a reality check never hurts. It is not all about you and the rest of the world would appreciate it if you would not waste any more time having everyone rolling their eyes at your foolishness. Do whatever is needed and get into reality. If you don't know what you need to do, just ask around. Someone will be happy to point it out to you.

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