"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" -Matthew 28:19-20
So this is a continuation of my blog from yesterday and my stereotype affirmations or pulverizations (is that a real word??? idk) that I had occur yesterday by Elevation Church.
My last few stereotypes were these:
4. Contemporary worship is sometimes used only because it is what is popular despite whether it is theologically sound or not, or has any meaning at all for that matter.
5. Worship is too organized
6. Satellite churches often put a lot of time and effort and money into winning the lost do not put enough into developing the saved.
Now my reaction after Sunday...
4. I absolutely love contemporary music in worship, but there is some great theology and moving words in those great old hymn that we know and love. I think a mixture is needed to get the most out of a worship service. Elevation and many satellite Churches are lacking in this area. The music is great, but it is often just loud enough that you can't hear yourself praising your Lord and Savior. I prefer a more intimate type of worship; one where I don't feel like I'm at a Christian concert every Sunday.
5. Again with the worship...now don't get me wrong, I know everyone has their own taste of worship, but this is my blog so I'm giving you my view and opinion. Again, when worship is too organized I feel as if the intimacy between an individual, a congregation, and the Savior can easily be lost. The passion is often present, but the motive is often missing. When endless hours are spent practicing just so you sound good and the way you sound becomes more important than the God and creator you are worshiping, something is wrong. Now I'm not judging anyone's intentions, I'm just saying that I believe that digging-deep, soul-filled, awe-inspiring worship is much less likely to come by with highly organized worship. Feel free to object to this, but it is just my opinion.
6. Lastly, I feel as if satellite churches do not put enough effort into enriching the lives of the Christians that are making decisions for Christ. They are masters at getting the unsaved into their doors, holding the lures of free t-shirts and free cds (both of which I received yesterday as a first-time visitor) out in front of people and leading them right into the front doors of their church, but lack in the spiritual nourishment that we as Christians need. Again, don't get me wrong, whatever it takes to get a lost person to come to church is worth it because everyone needs to hear of the loving, saving power of Jesus Christ and everyone deserves a chance to make that decision of knowing Him; however, what about when that person becomes a Christian? What else is there for them to do? They can...serve on the welcoming team...come to every Sunday morning service...hand out free t-shirts at the "tent out front". But where's the nourishment? Where is the communal involvement that comes with being a God-fearing church? No where to be found. I know it is hard to minister to individual when attendance is so high, but that is where individuals needs to be ministering to individuals, and I saw little evidence of that at Elevation. If the sole focus of a church is bringing in the lost, Elevation is on pointe! But I believe that there is a delicate balance of winning the lost and developing the saved that is necessary.
I feel like I'm a church critic, and I understand that a church that is making any sort of advancement for His kingdom is doing well, and I support Elevation Church in everything that they do! I also challenge all churches and people of churches to follow through with the great commission "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt 28:19)...but don't forget the latter part!!! "And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" Go and get but then make sure to guide and enrich.
Very well written Miss Kayla, (as your posts usually are.) I had a very wise Pastor once who had the motto of Win the Lost, Develop the Saved. Fitting for your post wouldn't you say? Hope school is going well for you. Say Hi to B. for me.