Saturday, May 21, 2011


"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men." -Ephesians 6:7

This verse has really been on my heart this week. I spent this past week in my happy place at Camp Longridge as we kicked off our first work week and our first week of the summer! Saying that it was phenomenal is definitely an understatement. I was very impressed with the staff dynamics and the amount of work that we accomplished. But this verse was constantly in my head. Here's the thing that hit me that we must remember, everything we do is for the Lord. Our attitudes, the way we speak about ourselves and others, and our work ethic should all reflect that of Jesus Christ. We must serve wholeheartedly! Halfway doing things should not be an option under any circumstance. Basically...go big or go home. For just an example, I want to give a shoutout to the oh so wonderful Jordan Widgeon! Jordan spent 3 hours with me deep cleaning the lake canteen (about 30 square feet) one day. It took us a while, but we did it right and we did it well. Patience always comes into play in these sort of situations. It is always easier and tempting to rush through everything in an effort to have more time to rest or more time to do what I want to do...but here's the catch in that faulty is not about me. I am not supposed to be pleasing myself or anyone else for that matter, I am only serving the Lord. The Bible says in Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is there your heart will be also." This also applies to our thoughts and focus; where our focus is, there our heart is also. If my focus is on myself, I am not serving the Lord; I am selfishly serving myself. Breaking down this thinking is the most important aspect in serving wholeheartedly for the Lord. Always remember that all it takes is all you've got!

I challenge the Camp Longridge staff to put everything you have into everything you do and to stay focused on the goal at hand...ministering to a lost world. In addition, I challenge everyone else to use this philosophy in life as well.

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