♪Hakuna Wakaita Sa Jesu. Hakuna Wakaita Sa Ye-e. Hakuna Wakaita Sa Jesu. Haku-u Haku-u China. Ndamhanya-Mhanya Kwese-Kwese. Ndatenderera Kwese-Kwese. Nda Tsva-ka-Tsvaka Kwese-Kwese Haku-u Haku-u China♫
♪There's no one, there's no one like Jesus. There's no one, there's no one like Him.There's no one there's no one like Jesus. There's no one there's no one like Him! I run and run everywhere, I turn around everywhere, I search and search everywhere. There's no one there's no one like Him.♫
Six years ago, I traveled across the world to Zimbabwe. As a thirteen year old, I had no idea how to act on a mission trip, all I knew is that we were going to share Christ, and that I was supposed to be on that plane. I expected to go and be a blessing to all of the people I came across, but anyone who has been on a mission trip can tell you otherwise. The people you encounter usually end up being your blessing instead of the other way around. The lyrics above are from one of the songs I learned while I was in Zimbabwe. Our group leader taught it to us and assured us that all the kids we would be working with would know it. So one night, we were in this small mud brick stucco like church with about 100 kids. We ran out of stuff to do, so we decided to try this song. We said "If you know the song, sing along. and then proceeded to sing "Hakuna wakaita..." and before we could get anymore of the song out of our mouths, almost every child had jumped out of their chair and was singing and dancing, praising the Lord their God.
It was at this point that I had one of the biggest realizations of my life...God is greater than I can ever imagine. He spans beyond national boundaries, He cannot be constrained by American views or lifestyles, and He is so much more than we can even fathom. These kids were a 19-hour plane ride away from where I lived, and they were worshiping the same God that I know and love. This concept has stuck with me ever since then and recently, I have been thinking about it a lot. Between reading the books Radical and seeing the documentary "Beware of Christians" I have had my everyday thoughts about Jesus transformed. Usually, I picture Jesus as the humble man who died for me on the the cross and was buried and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures...blah blah blah(...and I dont mean "blah blah blah" to be blasphemous in any way)...but anyone who has been in church for a decent amount of time can admit to falling into this repetitive thinking pattern. But the other week my pastor said something that hit me hard. He said, "we no longer fear God. We think of Jesus as the humble man on the cross who lived as a man and died and was buried. But here's the thing, God is no longer the humble man on the cross, He is no longer the dead man in the tomb...He is surely alive and we should fear Him because He is great and mighty beyond anything we can measure, and He is God" Wow... 1 Samuel 12:24, "But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you."
I'm gonna leave this blog at that and just give you a little something to think about. I challenge you to fear God and give Him the respect that He so lovingly deserves. He is mighty and He is greater than we can fathom. Also, if you have never participated in a mission trip, I challenge you to do just that. It does not have to be halfway around the world, but just go somewhere out of your comfort zone and let God work in you and through you. You will never be the same.
*...and yes that song is in the same language as Hakuna Matata from the Lion King :)
*...and yes that song is in the same language as Hakuna Matata from the Lion King :)
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